How is ‘oogenesis’ markedly different from spermatogenesis with respect to the growth till puberty in the humans?
Differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis are:
1.It begins and gets completed in the testis only
2.It is not a cyclic process, it occurs continuously.
3. Spermatogonia change to primary spermatocytes.
4.A primary spermatocyte divides to form two secondary spermatocytes.
5.The secondary spermatocyte divides to form two spermatids.
6.A spermatogonium forms four spermatozoa.
1.It begins in the ovary and is completed in the female reproductive tract.
2.It is a cyclic process, completed every 28/29 days.
3.Oogonia change to primary oocytes.
4.A primary oocyte divides to form the secondary oocyte and one polar body.
5.A secondary oocyte divides to form one ootid and one polar body.
6.An oogonium forms one ovum.