- Hold the text book at certain distance with our hands.
- Try to read the content on the page.
- Gradually move the books towards eye, till it reaches very close to your eyes.
- You may see that printed letters on the page appear blurred or you will feel strain to read.
- Now move the book backwards to a position where you can see clear printed
letters without strain. - Ask your friend to measure distance between your eye and text book at this position.
- Note down its value.
- Repeat this activity with other friends and note down the distances for distinct
vision in each case. - Find the average of all these distances of clear vision.
- We notice that to see an object comfortably and distinctly, at a distance about 25 cm from your eyes.
- This 25 cm distance is called least distance of distinct vision.
- This value varies from person to person and with age.