How do you define a good democracy? Explain its main features

How do you define a good democracy? Explain its main features.

In many cases, we slightly add something in redefining democracy. They are as follow:

  • The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions.
  • Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers.
  • The choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis.
  • Rights are not limited to the right to vote, stand in elections and form political organisations.
  • There are some social and economic rights also that a democracy should offer to its
  • We have taken up power sharing between governments and social groups. It is necessary in democracy.
  • Democracy cannot be the brute rule of majority and respect for minority voice is necessary for democracy.
  • Eliminating discrimination based on caste, relegion and gender is important in democracy.