How did the historical novels in India tried to create a sense of Pan-India belonging?

How did the historical novels in India tried to create a sense of Pan-India belonging?

  1. IN India, many novels were written for glorification of India’s past to create a sense of national pride among people and a sense of collective belongings.
  2. Many novels were written in all the main Indian languages in different parts of the countiy that help in the growth of national feelings among the readers of the entire nation and propagated the idea of uprooting the foreign rule.
  3. Some of the greatest novelists of modern India were protagonists of the national movement like Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya. He infused the idea of nationalism and freedom from colonial rule in the novels like ‘Anandmath’ and ‘Kapalkundala’. Several other novelists wrote for the same cause.
  4. The novels also helped in the nation building process by taking up the cause of the poor and downtrodden people, women and such sections of -society who were being exploited by rich aristocratic people.
  5. Novels also attacked the social superiority of the English people who regarded the Indian culture as inferior. Novels took up the cause of nationalism and urged the people to be true to their culture and fight for the freedom of their country.