How did the development or expansion of Bombay (Mumbai) differ from London? State any three points between the two

How did the development or expansion of Bombay (Mumbai) differ from London? State any three points between the two.

Difference between the expansion of Bombay and London :

  1. Town planning in London emerged from fears of social revolution and planning in Bombay came about as a result of fears about plague epidemic.
  2. Bombay was a crowded city. Every Londoner in 1840s enjoyed an average space of 155 square yards while Bombay had a mere 9.5 square yards. By 1872, when London had an average of 8 persons per house, the density of Bombay was as high as 20.
  3. The city of Bombay began to develop with the development of trade in agricultural goods whereas London began to develop after the industrial revolution.
  4. Bombay began to develop after European settlements there; whereas London was developed by its own people.