How can you apply green chemistry for the following?

How can you apply green chemistry for the following?
(i) To control photochemical smog
(ii) To avoid use of halogenated solvents in dry cleaning and that of chlorine in bleaching
(iii) To reduce use of synthetic detergents
(iv) To reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel

(i) Certain plants, e.g, Pinus, Juniparus, Quercus, Pyrus and Vitis can metabolise nitrogen oxide (NO) and therefore, their plantation could help in reducing photochemical smog.
(ii) Liquefied C02 with a suitable detergent is used for dry cleaning and $H_{2}O_{2}$ (hydrogen peroxide) is used for the purpose of bleaching clothes in the process of laundary which gives better results and makes use of lesser amount of water.
(iii) Soaps are 100% biodegradable so they should be used in place of detergents. Now-a-days biodegradable detergents are available. Therefore, they should be used in place of non-biodegradable hard detergents.
(iv) CNG (compressed natural gas) should be used as it causes much less pollution. Moreover, electrical vehicles should be used to reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel.