Hormones are needed by our body in an appropriate amount,

Hormones are needed by our body in an appropriate amount, slightly more or less secretion causes disorders in our body. Illustrate this by using three examples.

Hypersecretion (more secretion) or hyposecretion (less secretion) of different hormones lead to various disorders in our body. The three common examples are:
(i) Goitre Iodine acts as the necessary component for the synthesis of thyroxine hormone from thyroid gland. This disorder is caused due to the deficiency of iodine that leads to hyposecretion of thyroxine.
(ii) Gigantism and dwarfism Hypersecretion of growth hormone results in gigantism (very tall individual).
On the contrary, the hyposecretion or deficiency of growth hormone at an early stage of life makes the person very short, i.e. causes dwarfism.
(iii) Diabetes mellitus Insulin secreted by pancreas helps to lower the blood glucose level. When it is secreted in less amount, the body suffers from diabetes. More and more glucose gets accumulated in the body.