Hoijv did Romanticism seek to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiments during 18 century ? Explain

Hoijv did Romanticism seek to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiments during 18 century ? Explain.

  • THE development of nationalism did not come only through wars and territorial expansion. Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the Nation.
  • Art, poetry, stories and music helped to express and shape nationalist feelings.
  • Romantic artists and poets generally criticised the glorification of reason and science.
  • The emphasis on vernacular language and the collection of local folklore was not just to recover an ancient national spirit.
  • Poland, no longer existed as an independent territory, national feelings were kept alive through music and language.
  • Language played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments.
  • After Russian occupation, the Polish language was forced out of schools and the Russian language was forced everywhere.
  • The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of struggle against Russian dominance.