Harold's joy knew no bounds when he came to know that he was the son of Young Porky-a professional boxer of international repute

Harold’s joy knew no bounds when he came to know that he was the son of Young Porky-a professional boxer of international repute. But the parents had robbed him of this knowledge for long. What moral value do you infer from the above context?

The Brambles left no stone unturned to raise Harold respectably. They feared that Harold would be hurt if he was told that his father’s profession was boxing, which was considered violent and socially unacceptable. Harold felt terribly hurt when he discovered that his parents lied and projected a fake profession of his father. Ironically, he was not at all upset to learn that his father was a professional boxer, but felt bad that he was denied the chance to show off before his friends.
Parents should be broad-minded and should introduce young minds to complete truths and train them to face them boldly rather than teaching them wrong values.
They should understand the mental make up of a child and allow him to grow in a natural environment. Knowing that every profession has a dignity of its own will boost the morale of a child.