Given below is the electronic configuration of elements A, B, C, D

Given below is the electronic configuration of elements A, B, C, D.
A) 1${{s}^{2}}$2${{s}^{2}}$
B) 1${{s}^{2}}$2${{s}^{2}}$ 2${{p}^{6}}$3${{s}^{2}}$
C) 1${{s}^{2}}$2${{s}^{2}}$ 2${{p}^{6}}$3${{s}^{2}}$3${{p}^{3}}$
D) 1${{s}^{2}}$2${{s}^{2}}$ 2${{p}^{6}}$

  1. Which are the elements coming with in the same period ?
  2. Which are the ones coming with in the same group ?
  3. Which are the noble gas elements ?
  4. To which group and period does the elements ‘C’ belong?
  1. A and D belong to same period B and C belong to the same period.
  2. A, B coming in the same group.
  3. D is the noble gas.
  4. ‘C’ belongs to 15th group and third period.