Give me at least 5 examples of all 4 types of Heterotrophic Plants

Give me at least 5 examples of all 4 types of Heterotrophic Plants.

The major types of heterotrophic plants along with their examples are listed below:

Mode of Nutrition Examples
Parasitic Cuscuta, Loranthus, Sandalwood tree, Mistletoe, Red Bartsia
Insectivorous Pitcher plant, Venus fly trap, Sundew plant, Utricularia, Aldrovanda
Saprophytic Monotropa, Mushroom, Sarcodes sanguinea (snow plant), M.uniflora (Indian-pipe), Monotropa hypopitys (pinesap)
Symbiotic Mycorrhizae and vascular plants, fungi and algae, legumes and Rhizobia, Actinorhizal plants and Frankia, Sponges and algae.