Give an example where tissue specificity of the infection leads to very general seeming effects

Give an example where tissue specificity of the infection leads to very general seeming effects.
We can see the tissue specificity of the infection leading to very general seeming effects in case of HIV infection. The HIV attacks the immune system via the lymph nodes. From here it spreads all over the body and damages its functions. Because of this, the body becomes prone to various diseases as it cannot fight off even the minor infections which otherwise would not have lasted longer.
For example, even a small cold can become pneumonia and a minor gut infection may lead to a severe case of diarrhoea with blood loss.
In the same way, other infections kill people that are suffering from, e.g., HIV-AIDS.
I’he tissue specificity of the infection (HIV-AIDS) is lymph nodes. General seeming effects are loss of immunity even to minor diseases or infections that ultimately lead to the death of the patient.