Explain three important differences between democracy and dictatorship

Explain three important differences between democracy and dictatorship.

Following are three important differences between democracy and dictatorship:

  • Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. As a result, democratic political systems take time in executing decisions. Dictatorships, on the other hand, need not bother themselves with public opinion, and hence, decision making process in such systems is quicker and efficient.
  • In a democracy, decisions of the Government are acceptable to the people and are more effective in redressal of the public’s concerns. Dictators can take decisions that are not acceptable to the public at large.
  • A democratic government has a legitimacy attached to it since it is voted for by the general mass, and thus it has the sanction to rule. A dictatorship has no public sanction as such. It is a result of monarchical rule or a coup.
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