Explain the terms Monodelphous,Didelphous and Polydelphous

Explain the terms Monodelphous,Diadelphous and Polydelphous.In each case name a flower possessing such an androecium
What are bracts? State their function

  1. Monadelphous stamens- Filaments of all stamens are united forming a single bundle but the anthers are free. Example- Cotton
  2. Diadelphous stamens- Filaments are united forming two bundles and anthers are free. Example- Pea
  3. Polyadelphous stamens- Filaments are united forming a number of bundles but the anthers remain free. Example- Lemon

A bract is a part of a plant that may resemble a leaf or a petal. Their main function is to protect the flower from pests and harsh environmental conditions