(i) Contribution of Primary Sector:
This sector includes the following sub- sectors :
(a) Agriculture : Its contribution was around 58.7%.
(b) Allied activities : These are as follows :
Forestery and logging : Its contribution was only 1.8%.
Fisheries : Its contribution was only 0-5% i.e.,
Mining and quarrying : Its contribution was
only 0-7%. 2
(ii) Contribution of Secondary Sector:
This sector includes the following:
(a) Manufacturing: The manufacturing industries both registered and unregistered contributed only 10.8% of the national income.
(b) Construction : Construction activities contri-buted only 3% to the national income.
© Electricity, gas and water supply : The total contribution to national income was 0-5%. 2
(iii) Contribution of Tertiary Sector:
The following sub-sectors are included:
(a) Transport, storage and communication : Its contribution to the national income was only 3%.
(b) Trade, hotel and restaurant : This activity contributed 10.4 % to the national income.
© Banking, insurance and financing : The contribution of all these activities to the national income was only 8%.
(d) Real estate and business services : Their contribution was only 2%.
(e) Public administration, defence, social and personal services : The contribution to the national income of all these activities was 3-8%.
(f) Other services : These contributed 7% to
national income.
can you please send me biref the notes for national income and sectorial contibution in dfferent sectors at the time of independence