Explain the post-fertilization events taking place in an organism

  1. It in dudes the events after the formation of zygote.
    Zygote :
  2. Every sexually reproducing organism begins life as a zygote.
  3. It is the vital link between organism of one generation and the next.
  4. The development of zygote depends on the type of life cycle of the organism and the nature of environment.
  5. In fungi and algae,zygote develops a thick wall which is resistant to desiccation and damage.It undergoes a period of rest before germination.
  6. In organism with haplontic life cycle,zygote divides by meiosis into haploid spores that grow into haploid individuals.
    Embryo genesis :
  7. It is the process of the development of embryo from the zygote.
  8. The zygote undergoes cell division and cell differentiation.
  9. the cell division increase the number of cells in the embryo.
  10. Cell differentiation causes the modifications of groups of cells into various tissues and organs to form an organism.