Explain the meanings of words ‘Electromagnetic’ and ‘Induction’ in the term electromagnetic induction. List three factors on which the value of induced current produced in a circuit depends. Name and state the rule used to determine the direction of induced current. State one practical application of this phenomenon in everyday life.
The meaning of word ‘Electromagnetic’ is related to the interrelation of electric currents (or fields) and magnetic fields and “Induction” is the process of giving rise to something, which together means the process of generation of an electric current in a closed circuit from magnetic effects, i.e. by changing magnetic fields.
Three factors on which the value of induced current in a coil in presence of a magnet depends upon
(i) the number of turns in a coil circuit.
(ii) the nature of magnet used.
(iii) the speed of motion with which magnet is pushed into (or pulled only) the coil.
Fleming’s right hand rule is used to determine the direction of induced current.
Electric generator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
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