Explain the forms of casteism in Indian politics.
Ans. Casteism is rooted in the belief that caste is the sole basis of social community. Caste can take various forms in Indian politics.
(i) When parties choose candidates in elections, they keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from different castes so as to get necessary support to win elections.
(ii) When governments are formed, political party takes care that representatives of different castes and tribes should get a place in the ministry.
(iii) During the campaigning, political parties and candidates make appeals to people to give their votes on the basis of caste. Some political parties are known to favour some castes and are seen as their representatives.
Universal Adult Franchise and the principle of one person-one-vote compelled political leaders to gear up to the task of mobilising and securing political support. It has brought new consciousness among the people who are hitherto treated as inferior and low.
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