Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite

Explain the difference in properties of diamond and graphite on the basis of their structures.

1.C is ${{sp}^{3}}$ hybridised.
2.Three dimensional, tetrahedral structure.
3.Crystalline, transparent with extra brilliance (due to high refractive index).
4.Hardest substance with high density and high melting point.
5.Bad conductor of heat and electricity (no free electron).
6.It is used in glass cutting and jewellery and as abrasive.
1.C is ${{sp}^{2}}$ hybridised.
2.Two dimensional, sheet like (layer like structure). Crystalline, opaque and shiny substance.
3.Soft having soapy touch with low density and high melting point.
4.Good conductor of heat and electricity (fourth electron is free).
5.It is used as a lubricating agent, in making electrodes, in pencils, crucibles (due to high melting point).