Explain main reasons as to why organised sector has an age over unrecognised sector.
ORGANISED sector has an age over unorganised sector due to following reasons:
- In organised sector, workers enjoy security of employment, however, in unorganised sector, employment is not secure and jobs are irregular.
- Organised sector workers enjoy benefits like paid leave, payment during holidays, provident fund, gratuity, etc. but in unorganised sector, they offer low paid jobs, no provision for overtime, paid leave, holiday leave, or sickness leave.
- They are expected to work only for a fixed number of hours and if they work more,
they are paid over time by the employer, however, in unorganised sector, it depends on the will of the employer. - In organised sector, they are supported to get medical benefits and under the laws, the factory manager has to ensure facilities like drinking water and safe working environment while to provide facilities depends on the employer in an unorganised sector.
- On retirement, the workers are entitled to get pension as well while in unorganised sector there is no such provision of pension.