Special types of reproductive cells are formed in asexual reproduction in fungi. They are known as spores. Spores formed by mitosis are known as mitospores. Many kinds of asexual spores are formed in fungi:
(a) Zoospores: Zoospores are motile, e.g. Phycomycetes. They may have one or two flagella. On germination zoospores produces new mycelium.
(b) Small spores : They are produced in most land fungi. In Mucor non-motile spores are formed in the sporangia which are born on the special j hypae called sporangiophores. The spores are without flagella. This dispersal occur by air. On germination, they give rise to new mycelium. There are many different kinds of spores in various fungi, uredospores, zoospores, small spores, sporangiospores etc. There are four types of sporangia-oval, elongated, globose and globose with columella in different fungi.
© Oidia : Some oval or spherical spores are found in mucor. They are formed by the small segment of hypae.
(d) Conidia : Conidia are formed in some fungi as a means of asexual reproduction. They are born on conidiospores e.g. Penicillium.
(e) Chlamydospores : Thick walled resting spores are produced in some fungi. They may be terminal or intercalary.