Examine the statement, “social exclusion in India is useful to understand the poverty situation.”

Examine the statement, “social exclusion in India is useful to understand the poverty situation.”

Social exclusion is one of the major indicators for poverty analysis in India. Social exclusion is a process through which individuals or groups are excluded from facilities, benefits and opportunities enjoyed by other better off. It is both cause and consequence of poverty in India.
Due to social exclusion, certain sections of society like women, aged people, children, SCs/STs, could not avail the equal opportunities.

This led them to vicious cycle of poverty. Similarly, poor people are excluded socially due to income inequalities. Due to poverty, poor people have to live in the surrounding different from that of better off people. Therefore, both social and economic inequalities led to incidence of poverty. The social exclusion on the basis of caste is greater than that of income inequality. Therefore, understanding of social exclusion helps in better targeting of anti-poverty programme.

Thus, it can be concluded that social exclusion in India is useful to understand the poverty situation.