Vitamin :
- It is carried in the food.
- It is used up during the process.
- It is obtained from food.
- It may be organic acid, amide, amine, ester, alcohol or steroid.
- It act as coenzyme.
- Its deficiency causes deficiency diseases.
Hormone :
1.It is carried by the food.
2.It is consumed during the metabolic process.
3.It is produced by an endocrine gland.
4.It is a glycoprotein, steroid or polypeptide.
5.It act as a stimulating substance.
6.Its excess as well deficiency causes many hormonal
disorders and diseases.
Enzyme :
1.It is not carried in the food.
2.It remains unchanged after the reaction.
3.It is produced by exocrine gland.
4.It is always proteinous in nature.
5.It act as a biocatalyst.
6.It is required in small amount.