Describe the various salient features of Protista. Name the major groups of this kingdom.
Write the distinguish features of kingdom Protista.
Write the features of unicellular eukaryotic organisms.
Features of Protista:
(a) They are single celled colonial, filamentous eukaryotes.
(b) These grow in humid and moist environments.
© Some are photosynthetic but some are non-photosynthetic.
(d) Some forms are like animals whereas some are live plants.
(e) They have membrane bound cell organelles.
(f) Examples are protozoa, slime moulds, Englenoids, Chrysophytes protistan algae such as diatoms, dinoflagellates or phytoplanktons etc.
(g) The protozoan are unicellular (single celled) heterotrophs. Euglena is autotroph.
(h) Slime moulds are plant like or animal like.
Their somatic body is called plasmodium (acellular, multinucleate, mobile mass of protoplasm lacking the cell wall).
(i) The major groups of this kingdom are :
(i) Photosynthetic protist or protistan algae.
(ii) Consumer decomposer protists - Slime moulds.
(iii) Protozoan protists.