Describe the reason for rising Tertiary sector in India. Define the Term Public Sector

Describe the reason for rising Tertiary sector in India. Define the Term Public Sector. Explain any three demerits of public sector.

THE Tertiary sector in India is becoming more important sector due to following reasons :

  1. The government takes direct responsibility for the development of tertiary sector because it provides basic services to the people like hospitals, educational institutions, post office, police station, telephone and postal services.
  2. The development of agriculture and industry sector has also led to the development of service like transport, trade and storage.
  3. With the rise of income levels of people more and more services were demanded like hotels, shipping, tourism, private hospitals and private colleges, restaurant, etc.
  4. New services based on information technology and communication has become essential services for modern world, trade and industry’.
  5. Many different kinds of people like shopkeepers, repair person, transport person etc. engaged in different services are also growing rapidly.