Describe the functions of labelling in the marketing of products.
Explain any three functions of labelling,
The main goal of label is to draw consumer attention and spreading company’s name with logo.’in the tight of this statement, state the advantages of labelling.
Functions of labelling are:
(i) Describe the product and specify its contents It
specifies the contents and other features of the product. It enables the manufacturer to give clear : instructions to the consumer about the proper use of
his product. It helps to describe the product, its usage, cautions in use, contents, manufacturing and expiry dates, price, quantity, etc.
(ii) Identification of the product or brand It gives a definite identity to the product or brand and therefore, the identification of a product becomes easy, e.g. the name Pears printed on toilet soaps helps us to know which soap out of several soaps is Pears.
(iii) Grading of products It enables the manufacturer to grade the product into different categories, e.g. Hindustan Lever sells different grades of tea under green, yellow and red labels.