Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries". Justify the statement.
A . Environmental degradation is now a global issue and discussed and debate over decades. The matter is that environmental degradation does not restricted to the national or state boundary which is causing such degradation. Its consequences are well felt in the surrounding states or nations or sometimes globally.
Take the example of air pollution. If India is doing much air pollution through massive thermal power plant and other sources, people in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc our neighbours also experience increase in asthma and other lung diseases.
Acid rain, climate change, etc are some issues which are transcontinental in consequences. Deforestation in Brazil has caused disturbance in rainfall pattern throughout South America. Land degradation and dam burst like conditions in India affect Bangladesh as it brings massive siltation and flood consequences. Now, environmental protection is a major issue and taken seriously by almost all countries and discussions take place internationally and among group of nations.