Collect information about pellagra and discuss with your teacher

Collect information about pellagra and discuss with your teacher.
A. . Pellagra is the disease caused by decrease intake of Niacin or Tryptophan, Vitamin - B3 and possibly by excessive intake of Leucine. .
It may also result from alternation in protein metabolism in disorders such as carci¬noid syndrom or Hartnup disease.
A deficiency of the amino acid lysine can lead to deficiency of Niacin as well.
Symptoms : Pellagra is described by 3 Ds - Diarrhoea, Dermatitis, Dementia.
A more comprehensive list of symptoms include 1) Sensitivity to sunlight 2) Aggression 3) Dermatitis 4) Alopecia (hair loss) 5) Edema (swelling)Smooth, beefy red, glossitis, red skin lesions, insomnia (sleep less), weakness, men¬tal confusion, nerve damage are the symptoms of this pellagra.
Prevention : By taking of yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans and cereal grains, we can prevent this disease.