Classify the following radicals by sorting them into the appropriate bins.
Concepts and reason
When the carbon carrying the free electron is directly attached to only 1 other carbon atom, then it is called a primary radical. When the carbon carrying the free electron is directly attached to only 2 other carbon atoms, then it is called a secondary radical. When the carbon carrying the free electron is directly attached to only 3 other carbon atoms, then it is called a tertiary radical. When the carbon carrying the free electron is directly attached to other carbon atom which is hybridized, then it is called an allylic radical.
An atom having an electron that is not paired is called a free radical. They are extremely reactive species.
The primary radicals are:
The radicals are classified with respect to the number of carbon atoms attached to the carbon bearing the radical. The above two are primary radicals because the radical carbon is directly attached to only 1 other carbon atom.
The secondary radicals are:
The radicals are classified with respect to the number of carbon atoms attached to the carbon bearing the radical. The above two are secondary radicals because the radical carbon is directly attached to only 2 other carbon atoms.
The tertiary radicals are:
The radicals are classified with respect to the number of carbon atoms attached to the carbon bearing the radical. The above two are tertiary radicals because the radical carbon is directly attached to only 2 other carbon atoms.
The allylic radical is:
The radicals are classified with respect to the number of carbon atoms attached to the carbon bearing the radical. The above radical is an allylic radical because the radical carbon is directly attached to other carbon atom which is hybridized