Classify each of these reactions.Ba(ClO3)2(s)--->BaCl2(s)+3O2(g)

Classify each of these reactions.

  1. Ba(ClO3)2(s)—>BaCl2(s)+3O2(g)
  2. 2NaCl(aq)+K2S(aq)—>Na2S(aq)+2KCl(aq)
  3. CaO(s)+CO2(g)—>CaCO3(s)
  4. KOH(aq)+AgCl(aq)---->KCl(aq)+AgOH(s)
  5. Ba(OH)2(aq)+2HNO2(aq)—>Ba(NO2)2(aq)+2H2O(l)

each classify reaction should be either one of this.
acid�base neutralization
none of the above

Concepts and reason
The concept used to solve this problem is based on chemical reaction.
In a chemical reaction, two or more substances combine to form a new substance by forming or breaking a bond.

Acid and base react to form salt and water this is known as acid-base neutralization reaction. Redox reaction is a chemical reaction which involves the transfer of electrons between two species. It is also called oxidation-reduction reaction.
Precipitation reaction is a reaction in which anions and cations combine to form an insoluble ionic solid in aqueous solution.

Part - 1
The reaction mention in the question is as follow.
In this reaction, chlorine is reduced and oxygen is oxidized. Both reduction and oxidation occur in this reaction. Therefore, this is a redox reaction.

Part 1
‎The reaction is redox reaction.

In this reaction, because chlorine loses the electrons so it is a reducing agent and oxygen gains electrons so it is an oxidizing agent. Therefore, it is a redox reaction.

Part - 2
The reaction mention in the question is as follow.

Part 2
‎The reaction is none of the above.

A double displacement reaction is a reaction in which two compounds react and cations and anions exchange their places to form new compounds.

Part - 3
The reaction mention in the question is as follow.

Part 3
‎The reaction is none of the above.

Part - 4
The reaction mention in the question is as follow.

Part 4
‎The reaction is precipitation reaction.

In this reaction, both reactants react to form insoluble ionic solid. Therefore, it is a precipitation reaction.

Part - 5
The reaction mention in the question is as follow.

In this reaction, nitrous acid acts as an acid and barium hydroxide acts as a base. So, barium hydroxide and nitrous acid react to form salt and water. Therefore, this reaction is acid-base reaction.

Part 5
‎The reaction is acid-base neutralization reaction.

Acid and base react to form salt and water this is known as acid-base neutralization reaction.