Can you name any two diseases, which can spread from infected person to others?

  1. Anita, who had suffered chicken pox in her childhood, is now taking care of her child who is suffering from the same disease. What are the chances of Anita having chicken pox? Justify your answer.
  2. Can you name any two diseases, which can spread from infected person to others?
  1. Anita will not suffer from chicken pox. This is because, when Anita was infected by chicken pox in her childhood, her immune system responded against it and kept a memory of the pathogen encountered during this reaction. Now, while taking care of her child when the chicken pox microbes will enter into her body, the immune system of Anita will respond and produce chemicals to kill those microbes.
  2. Communicable disease transfers directly from one person to another, e.g. typhoid and tuberculosis.