Can you give the example of spontaneous combustion, rapid combustion, and explosion

can you give the example of spontaneous combustion, rapid combustion, and explosion and explain the definition, please.

Spontaneous combustion: The ignition of a substance or body from the rapid oxidation of its own constituents without heat from any external source is known as spontaneous combustion.

  1. Phosphorous and sulphur start burning instantaneously; at room temperature.
  2. In coal mines, fire breaks out many a times because of combustion of coal dust.

Rapid combustion: Rapid combustion is a form of combustion in which large amounts of heat and light energy are released.

  1. Matchstick burns rapidly on being struck against the sides of a matchbox.
  2. Combustion of natural gas, LPG, petrol etc.

Explosion: When combustion is accompanied by sudden production of heat, sound and large amount of gas, it is called explosion.
Firecrackers and bombs are substances which show explosion.