Can I get the brief summary of the novel 'GULLIVERS TRAVELS' Part 3 AND Part 4 Chapter wise

Can I get the brief summary of the novel ‘GULLIVERS TRAVELS’ Part 3 AND Part 4 Chapter wise.

We can give you a brief summary of part 3 and 4 of Gulliver’s Travels:

Gulliver’s third journey is to Laputa and the neighbouring Luggnagg and Glubdugdribb. Gulliver is able to call up the dead and discovers the deceptions of history when he travels to the island of Glubdugdribb. The people of Laputa are overthinkers and bizarre. Gulliver meets the Stuldbrugs, which is a race blessed with immortality. Gulliver thinks that they are miserable.

Gulliver’s fourth voyage is to the land of the Houyhnhnms. These are horses bestowed with reason. Their rational, clean, and simple society is a striking contrast with the dirtiness and brutality of the Yahoos, who are beasts in human shape. Gulliver unwillingly comes to realise their human vices. Gulliver lives with the Houyhnhnms for several years and becomes completely enamoured with them. There is a point where he doesn’t wish to leave from that place. Gulliver faints from grief when it is time for him to leave the island. When he comes back to England, he is sickened by other humans, including his own.