Briefly describe the objectives of physical education

Briefly describe the objectives of physical education.

The following are objectives of physical education: .

  1. Physical development
    (a) Proper growth and development
    (b) Proper functioning of various systems of the body
    © Development of skills through better neuromuscular coordination
    (d) Development of strength and endurance.
  2. Psychological development
    (a) Development of healthy interests and attitudes
    (b) Satisfaction and channelising of emotions
    © Removing worry, tension, etc. through participation in sports.
  3. Social development
    (a) Developing qualities of sympathy and cooperation with others '(b) Becoming a worthy member of home and society.
  4. Moral development
    (a) Development of self-control
    (b) Development of sportsmanship
    © Developing leadership qualities
    (d) Development of personality.
  5. Improvement in knowledge
    (a) Acquiring the knowledge of the rules of games, sports and exercise
    (b) Understanding health problems and
    their prevention.