Atomic masses of first 30 elements?
It is not possible to give the atomic masses of all the elements. Here iam giving the atomic masses of first 30 elements in the periodic table.
Element | Atomic number | Atomic mass |
Hydrogen | 1 | 1 |
Helium | 2 | 4 |
Lithium | 3 | 6.94 |
Beryllium | 4 | 9.01 |
Boron | 5 | 10.81 |
Carbon | 6 | 12.01 |
Nitrogen | 7 | 14.01 |
Oxygen | 8 | 15.99 |
Fluorine | 9 | 19 |
Neon | 10 | 20.18 |
Sodium | 11 | 22.99 |
Magnesium | 12 | 25.31 |
Aluminium | 13 | 26.98 |
Silicon | 14 | 28.09 |
Phosphorus | 15 | 30.97 |
Sulphur | 16 | 32.07 |
Chlorine | 17 | 35.45 |
Argon | 18 | 39.95 |
Potassium | 19 | 39.10 |
Calcium | 20 | 40.08 |
Scandium | 21 | 44.96 |
Titanium | 22 | 47.87 |
Vanadium | 23 | 50.94 |
Chromium | 24 | 52 |
Manganese | 25 | 54.94 |
Iron | 26 | 55.85 |
Cobalt | 27 | 58.93 |
Nickel | 28 | 58.69 |
Copper | 29 | 63.55 |
Zinc | 30 | 65.41 |