Among the following groups, select the species which has the smallest

Among the following groups, select the species which has the smallest radius. Also, give appropriate reasons to support your answer.
i) O, O-, O2-
ii) K+, Sr2+, Ar
iii) Si, P, Cl

i) Among O, O-, O2- the species O has the smallest radii because the radius of the anion is always larger than the radius of the atom from which it is formed. O- and O2- are anions of oxygen.

ii) In K+ and Ar the outer most shell is third where as in Sr2+ it is fourth. Out of K+, Sr2+ and Ar, K+ has smaller size because it has greater nuclear charge.

iii) Among Si, P and Cl, Cl has the smallest radius. Si, P and Cl belong to the same period. In a period the atomic radius decreases with increase in atomic number due to increase in the effective nuclear charge.