Among the following groups, select the species which has the smallest radius. Also, give appropriate reasons to support your answer.
i) O, O-, O2-
ii) K+, Sr2+, Ar
iii) Si, P, Cl
i) Among O, O-, O2- the species O has the smallest radii because the radius of the anion is always larger than the radius of the atom from which it is formed. O- and O2- are anions of oxygen.
ii) In K+ and Ar the outer most shell is third where as in Sr2+ it is fourth. Out of K+, Sr2+ and Ar, K+ has smaller size because it has greater nuclear charge.
iii) Among Si, P and Cl, Cl has the smallest radius. Si, P and Cl belong to the same period. In a period the atomic radius decreases with increase in atomic number due to increase in the effective nuclear charge.