(a)Name the state of plasmodium that gains entry into the human body.
(b)Trace the stages of Plasmodium in the body of female Anopheles after its entry.
©Explain the causes of peroidic recurrence of chill and high fever during malarial attck in humans.
(a)The sporozoites enter in human blood due to Anopheles biting.
(b)When the female Anopheles sucks the blood of an infected human host, it receives RBCs containing different stages of the erythrocytic cycle.In mosquito stomach, male gametes divide to form microgametes. Female gametes mature and called macrogametes. The fertilization takes place and forms zygote.
©The parasite multiplies within the RBCs and ruptures the cells.Symptoms include headache, chill, shivering, nausea, muscular pain and recurring fever every 3rd and 4th day.The patient displays symptoms of malaria fever after a period of 14 days from infection.This time of interval is known as the incubation period,in which cause the perodic recurrence of chill and high fever during malaria.