A large number of customers travel by rail. The food supplied by the rail pantry is of poor quality which affects the health of customers badly.
(i) What action should be taken against such practices?
(ii) Which values are violated here?
(i) Following are the actions that should be taken:
(a) Force them to withdraw the hazardous goods.
(b) Force them to discontinue such unfair practices.
© Ask for compensation.
(d) Carrying out comparative testing of food items and publish the result in the print media.
(e) Educating other people in order to save them by organising seminars, workshops, etc.
(f) File a complaint in appropriate consumer courts.
(ii) Values which are affected are:
(a) Social responsibility-Goods which can affect
the health of consumers should not be provided.
(b) Honesty-Cheating the consumers by providing substandard food items.