A lady bought a new iron container and kept blue vitriol solution into it. On the next day, she found that the blue colour of the solution fades. She went to the shopkeeper and complained.
But the shopkeeper argued that the container is of good quality and he refused to return her money. An aware person Ankit came there and asked the matter and told the lady that the container is of good quality and you have kept the wrong substance in it, so fault is all yours.
On the basis of above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Why the container becomes porous when blue vitriol solution is kept into it?
(ii) What qualities are exhibited by Ankit?
(i) The container becomes porous when blue vitriol, i.e. CuSO4 solution is kept into it because iron being more reactive displaces copper from copper sulphate (blue vitriol) solution and itself forms green coloured ferrous sulphate.
(ii) Qualities exhibited by Ankit are scientific knowledge, awareness, helpfulness etc.