1. Name the gas collected at anode and cathode

In the electrolysis of water,

  1. Name the gas collected at anode and cathode.
  2. Why is the volume of gas collected at one’ electrode double than the other?
  3. What would happen if dil H2SC>4 is not added to water?
  1. During the electrolysis of water:
    Gas collected at cathode is → Hydrogen
    Gas collected at anode is → Oxygen

  2. Hydrogen is collected in the double amount during the electrolysis of water. This is because H2O contains two parts of hydrogen as compared to one part of oxygen by volume.

  3. Pure water is a bad conductor of electricity, therefore, by adding drops of sulphuric acid (H2SO4 (dil.)), we make it a good conductor of electricity. So if dil.H2SO4 is not added to water, it would not conduct electricity.

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in the gas collected at one anode and other cathode. this is the volume of gas collected at one electrode double than the other.

@AmarCBSE Thanks for a PERFECT answer. :innocent: