1. How can you contribute as an individual or make a difference to the management of:

(a).How can you contribute as an individual or make a difference to the management of:

  1. forests and wildlife
  2. water resources and
  3. coal and petroleum?

(b).List five things you have done over the last one week to :

  1. conserve our natural resources.
  2. increase the pressure on our natural resources.

1.Forest and wildlife:

  • We should protest against cutting of trees (deforestation).
  • We should protest against the poaching of wild animals.
  • We should stop the annexation of forest land for our use.

2.Water resources:

  • Turn the taps off while brushing or bathing and repair leaking water taps.
  • We should practice rainwater harvesting.
  • We should avoid the discharge of sewage and other wastes into rivers and other water bodies.

3.Coal and petroleum:

  • We should take a bus or practice car pooling to avoid excessive use of petroleum.
  • We should stop using coal as a fuel (angithis). :

1.To conserve our natural resources:

  • Travelled by public transports and cycle.
  • Used recycled paper.
  • Separated biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate waste bags.
  • Avoided food wastage and planted trees.
  • Reduced consumption of electricity by Switching off lights and have not used room heaters in winter.
  • Turned off taps when brushing or bathing and got repaired the leaking taps.

2. To increase the pressure on our natural resources:

  • Sometimes in night forgot to switch off lights.
  • Used non-recycled papers for school work.
  • Used plastics and polythene bags for carrying goods.
  • Used family car to visit some places thereby wasting fuel.
  • Used room heater in night.