1. Give one example each of a unisexual and a bisexual flower

  1. Give one example each of a unisexual and a bisexual flower.
  2. Mention the changes a flower undergoes after fertilization.
  3. How does the amount of DNA remain constant though each new generation is a combination of DNA copies of two individuals?|

1. Unisexual Flower: Papaya, water melon.
Bisexual flower: Mustard and Hibiscus (gurhal).

2. Changes in a flower: Undergoes after fertilization: The zygote divides many times to form an embryo in an ovule. Ovule develops a coat that is changed into seed. Ovary grows and ripens to make a fruit. The petals sepals, stigma and style fall off.

3. DNA remains constant: The germ cells from the 2 individuals unite in the process of sexual reproduction. They form a new individual. The result is re-establishment of the number of the chromosomes as well as DNA content in new generation.