1. All fungi are A. photosynthetic B. heterotrophic

  1. All fungi are
    A. photosynthetic
    B. heterotrophic
    C. autotrophic
    D. parasitic

  2. The tangled mass that makes up part of the fungi that is below the soil is the
    A. mushroom
    B. fruiting body
    C. mycelium
    D. chitin

  3. What structure is missing in the fungal hyphae shown on the right side of figure 21-5?
    A. cells walls
    B. cross walls
    C. nuclei
    D. cytoplasm.

  4. An important role of fungi in an ecosystem is
    A. performing photosynthesis
    B. breaking down dead organisms
    C. making alcohol
    D. killing bacteria

  5. How do yeast reproduce?
    A. sexually by producing spores
    B. asexually by producing spores
    C. sexually through binary fission
    D. asexually through binary fission