Write note on Olympic ideals and values

Write note on Olympic ideals and values.

Olympic Ideals and Values :
The Olympic ideals that Cubertin set before the world are enshrined in these words.
“The important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to take part. The important thing in life is not the triumph but to struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but fought well”.
The purposes that he had in mind were :
(i) To draw attention of the world to the fact that National programmes of physical training and competitive sports not only helps in developing good health of young people but to create better citizens and promote development of their character and personality.
(ii) To create in them a sense of loyalty, companionship and team-spirit, to enable young people to be more useful in life.
(iii) To stimulate the fine art by the organisation of exhibitions and similar displays in order to broaden their outlook and make life happier for them.
(iv) To inculcate among all sportspersons the concept that sports is a pastime and not an instrument for material.
(v) To create a spirit of international amity and goodwill and to contribute to better understanding among people and nations. Based on these well-defined ideals the two fundamental principles of the Olympic are that: in Olympic family there is no distinction of caste, creed, colour or race and all the competitors have to be amateurs.