Why are different water harvesting ‘ systems considered a viable alternative both

Why are different water harvesting ‘
systems considered a viable alternative both
socio-economically and environmentally in a country like India?
is. India traditionally possesses the knowledge of rainwater
harvesting and water conservation compatible with the
culture and ecology of the region
Modern India on its way of progressive development has depleted much of its fresh water, groundwater, etc. Now, itis concerned for conservation of such valuable resources '
from further depletion.Bigger projects like canal, multi-purpose projects, etc. are made but these could notsatisfactorily keep their promise,but now often induce fear of various measures like flood 'havoc, water borne disease, etc. The displacement of local people and submergence of forest land and arable land put socio-economic as well as environmental impact through such big projects.Again flow water in rivers are now contaminated through * industrial wastes and agricultural pesticides uses and hasbecome unfit for human use.
Groundwater is also depleted and contaminated by
over-exploitation and mis-management. But different water harvesting practices could lessen such situation.All these aspects put stress on fresh water availability. Andin this situation, practice of rainwater harvesting is the only hope. It puts no harm to society, economy and environment and satisfies the basic needs of human life, _
drinking water requirement. So, water harvesting system is a viable alternative in India now. ,

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