Which are the various means of fitness development ? Describe

Which are the various means of fitness development ? Describe any four.

Means of physical fitness development:
I. Aerobic
II. Cycling ffl. Jogging
IV Walking
V Calisthenics
VI. Rythmics
VII. Anaerobic VTH. Yoga
IX. Recreational activities
X. Participation in games and sports
I. Aerobic :
(a) The term aerobic means ‘with oxygen’.
Continuous supply of oxygen to the body is maintained in order to burn carbohydrates and fats for production of energy for these activities.
(b) The intensity and energy requirement in activities is within the capacity of the person so as to sustain the activity.
© Aerobic is a system of exercise designed to promote the supply and use of oxygen in the body. These exercises include bicycling, skating, swimming, etc.
(d) Regular aerobic exercises help to reduce the risk of heart diseases.
(e) Aerobic activities contribute to the development of cardiorespiratory endurance. These incude those activities which are done for prolonged period of time during which body can meet the demand and supply of oxygen.
II. Yoga :
(a) The term ‘Yoga’ is derived frorm Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means union or join. It is the joining of an individual self with the universal self (unification of Aatma and Parmatma).
(b) Yoga is a systematic process for an all round personality development at physical, mental, social and spiritual level.
© Yoga is timeless and ageless. It improves and regains shape and tones up muscles. It relieves tension, stress and depression and increases confidence and energy level, relaxes the body, relieves joint stiffness and increases flexibility.
(d) Yoga is practised for peace of mind. Most of the people adopt yoga to keep the body and mind fit.
(e) The practice of yoga helps us to overcome all obstacles on the path to perfect health and spiritual contentment.
III. Recreation:
(a) It is an activity for pleasure and satisfaction to an individual. It refreshes one’s mind and body after work.
(b) Recreational activities reduce the monotony and make a person alert.
© Absence of these activities can lead to laziness; boredom, stress or tension.
(d) Recreation through sports provides an opportunity for socialization, stimulation, co-operation which leads to some kind of strength and confidence in an individual.
(e) Recreational activities are very good for health. These stimulate your functioning and sense organs.
IV. Jogging :
It is an easy running exercise programme to develop general and physical fitness. Jogging contributes to development of cardiorespiratory fitness. Jogging requires- proper sports shoes and clothes. While jogging we to keep following points in our mind :
(a) If we are above 35 years of age, we must consult our doctor before starting any jogging or health fitness programme.
(b) Begin slowly and build up to the recommended intensity according to the . capacity.
© Do not jog if you are suffering from a significant injury or disease or when you are not feeling well.
(d) Early morning and late evening hours are most suitable for jogging.
(e) Jogging may be done 3-5 times a week.