What is BMI ?Explain about it?

What is BMI ?Explain about it?

The Body Mass Index is also known as Qetelet Index because it was invented by Adolphe Quetelet. In fact, it is a statistical measurement which compares an individual’s weight and height. Although/ it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, yet is very useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall an individual is. Indeed it is the most widely used tool to indentify the weight problem. BMI is very easy to measure and evaluate. With the help of BMI one can come to know whether one is under weight, normal weight, over weight or in classes of obesity. BMI can be defined as the individual’s body weight divided by the square of his height i.e.,
BMI can be determined using BMI chart. It’s value is measured in Kg/m2.
Now with the help of WHO (World Health Organization) criteria for under weight and obesity, an individual may come to know that he belongs to category of under weight, normal weight, over weight in the categories of obesity. The categories are: