Some of the valuable articles were stolen from the museum

Some of the valuable articles were stolen from the museum. Police arrested thief with stolen articles, The police wanted to prove the case. Raman helped the police and confirmed that such articles were belonging to the museum by using UV light.
(a) What are the values exhibited by Raman ?
(b) How does he prove such case ?

(a) The values exhibited by Raman are:
(i) presence of mind,
(ii) high degree of general awareness,
(iii) thinking skills, and
(iv) social responsibility.
(b) He explains that post codes were written on such valuable articles of the museum with the help of security marker pens. These codes are invisible. Security pens contain chemicals that fluoresce in ultraviolet light. Fluorescence changes ultraviolet light into visible light. Thus, by using UV light police read such post codes and confirm the belongings of the articles. Then they return the articles to the museum.