Shalini wanted to gift her aunt a microwave oven so that her aunt enjoys

Shalini wanted to gift her aunt a microwave oven so that her aunt enjoys some rest from tough household activities. She requested her aunt and convinced her about details and significance of microwave oven.
(a) What are the values shown by Shalini ?
(b) How does a microwave oven work ? Explain briefly.

(a) The values shown by Shalini are :
(i) high degree of general awareness,
(ii) ability to take quick decisions,
(iii) concern for her aunt, and
(iv) helping and caring nature.
(b) Microwave oven works because the microwaves of a particular wavelength are very strongly absorbed by water. The energy carried by the microwaves heats the water up. Generally, all food items contain 1 a lot of Welter, they can be heated and cooked very quickly in microwave oven. In this way, the microwaves heat the food item throughout its j volume, not just from the outside as in a normal oven.