In an evening Ashok and his friends were sitting in a park

In an evening Ashok and his friends were sitting in a park. They saw a bird was sitting on a high voltage wire. But as soon as the current was passed through the wire, the bird sitting on it flew away, All gave their opinions for the reason behind it. But their opinions were not properly balanced. At last Ashok explained the reason behind it.
(a) What are the value displayed by Ashok ?
(b) Why as soon as the current passed through a high voltage wire, the bird sitting on it flew away ?

(a) The values displayed by Ashok are :
(i) presence of mind,
(ii) higher degree of general awareness, and
(iii) convincing capacity.
(b)When the current was passed through, the magnetic flux linked through the bird changed and so induced current flew in the birds body. Its j wings due to opposite current experienced mutual j repulsion and the bird flew away.